Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some days

Some days it is just gloomy outside... you don't want to go to work... or it is just really nice outside... and you don't want to go to work.

Not that there is a list of things to do at home necessarily, well... there is always that.... but dealing with work and the pressures and deadlines and feeling of ambiguity make you question why you are at work and not in an ashram or butterfly garden or in a yoga class rather than dealing with out-of-order printers and trying to be polite for 30 minutes with a customer who wants to purchase one, 32 oz bottle of our product...

I have a few offers from some old employees that would give me plenty of work to do at home. (I did write for a small publicatioin for almost 10 years) and I could also travel with my hubbie... when he has to travel for work. He is in Alaska right now and I am wishing I were with him.

Given my current situation, the outcome of which is sort of unknown... more chemo, surgery.. radiation... blah, blah, blah...
What would you do?


Anonymous said...

I would hope and pray that I could handle the situation half as good as you are doing.

randomthoughts said...

Are you kidding me? You are doing great! Believe it or not, I have NO advise for you. I would be sitting at home feeling sorry for myself.
If mother had had your out look she would still be alive.
Follow your heart - It is certainly serving you well thus far. Love you.

DittyK said...

I would do what ever makes you happy, whether it means traveling with your sweet husband, visitng family, working, taking up an old hobby, writing or just hanging out. you are the only one you have to please. Just Be Happy.