Sunday, June 26, 2011

An exercise in an alternative to exercise

Okay, you are going to think I am weird or maybe losing my mind but I have adopted a few things that I like to do to keep me happy and you might want to try doing a few or you may just get happy laughing at me and the graphic of what I am doing. Whatever. That is fine with me.

I have a long drive to work every morning and I don't like to drive in aggressive morning traffic. My mornings at home are generally quiet and calm and pleasurable. Then I get in my vehicle. And compete for space on a stretch of concrete, perpetually in a state of repair. So I tried a few different things.
For a while, I drove aggressively too. Growling and swerving and giving the finger a lot. Stressing myself out before work, no bueno.

Anyway, I just decided to listen to dance music all the way to the I 95, and dance in my car as much and as hard as possible. Its a two laner so you have to stop really quickly when a car is coming. Well, I do...I stop and then I laugh at myself and start dancing again. I just don't want to scare people.

I also pretend something with each car that is passing me. I pretend that the person or people in the other car are a part of my immediate family or my closest friends and I begin naturally sending out mental hugs to them and wishing them well upon their way. "Drive safely, I love you!"

The people I talk with at work, mostly our customers... well, I have begun to interact with them the same way, as if they are my brothers or sisters. I don't actually tell them I love them... well a few of them, maybe, but mostly I just try to keep that thought in my head.

I don't know, but these three little things make my morning a beautiful time and it carries into my life, something unconditional. And its really easy to do. It makes me feel good.
If you can pretend a little, you will be surprised how quickly you begin to get the connection, that we really are all the same, unconditionally. You are my brother and my sister and my best friend.
You are kind and gentle. And so loving. And you are beautiful in ways that only you can be.
You are the perfect you. Thanks.

p.s. If you ever want to share this blog with anyone, please do.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Black cloud or rainbow????

You don't mean to let it bug you to death. You try to stay in the moment and be happy because that is the next best thing to do.... especially when you don't know what else TO do.
But you can't help but sweat it a little bit.  There is just this little black cloud that sort of looms...
And I never liked sweating.

Any way... enough of babble-blogging.

My PET scan results came in today and Cory, my God-sent angel of a nurse, called me with good news.
The PET shows nothing. We still have to keep a close eye on blood levels which have been creeping up...but there is no new visible anything. Whew!

I am really, really, really, learning how to not take anything for granted. It is awesome.

So, no more dark clouds but rainbows and sunbeams and the blue bird of happiness!!

Thank you again, so much for keeping all the positivity flowing. 
See how great you are?? 

Can I just add here that my grandson, James.. is about the cuddliest thing when he first wakes up in the morning with his little pirate pj's on. He climbs up and tastes homemade apple butter and peach jam. He couldn't decide which was his favorite.

 Hmmmmmmm..... peach.....

 Hmmmmmmm.... apple butter......

 Who cares!