Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chance meetings

Yesterday I stopped for gas on my way to work. The gas pump printer was on the fritz and I had to run into the station to get my receipt. As I waited in line for a minute.. I felt the urge to get pissed off. Impatience began to kick in as the cashier chatted away with someone in front of me. Clock ticking... getting late for work... I took a deep breath and wondered "okay.. why am I here?" I turned to look behind me at the next person in line. He nodded a "good morning ma'am" and asked how I was feeling... being bald and wearing bandannas are kind of a give away... but I answered that I was fine and asked how he was doing... "Yes ma'am, I'm doin jest fine too".. he smiled and looked down a little embarrassed.
My mind reeled back to a day in Clarkesville, MS when I'd stopped at the local grocery to find myself stepping into a time machine and whisked back to the 50's. An old black man quickly stepped aside to hold the door for me, removing his hat and dipping his head down, with no eye contact. Like a scene from Gone with the Wind... I felt embarrassed and sad.
So, the man at the Mobil station began to speak to his boss, who'd just stuck his head in the door to ask if he'd filled the truck with gas. "Yessir boss, I did jest like you said." It was 8 am and this man looked tired as hell. He held some crappy gas station food and shuffled apologetically as though he'd done something wrong. His work clothes were in sad shape and dirty. I don't know where he'd slept but the conditions of this man's life were not too hot. I got my receipt and turned to leave. The man reached out and touched my shoulder. I turned and looked into his watery eyes and in a low voice he said, "I pray that God blesses you, ma'am." I looked into his face again and thought of his situation and how he was thinking about mine...
"Thank you and may God bless your sweet soul" I replied and walked out into the blinding morning sunshine.
One minute you're pissed and the next you're blessed and now I carry him in my heart.


Cynthia said...

i love that you write so eloquently about these fleeting thoughts and experiences we all have. xo

Lynn said...

what a blessing you were to each other! There is goodness in this trial you are going through. You are teaching so many of us to stop and remember we all have small blessings every day that God puts in our path if we only keep our eyes and our hearts open to them. Thank you so much for that lesson. Love you.

tward said...

Seriously B, you are an incredible writer. You should really be getting paid - I mean in money, because it does seem that you are getting paid in other great ways. I love you - you are my inspiration. Martha is just finishing her 4th too! Love the pics - keep posting them,

joni said...

You are so awesome and that really touched my heart. Thanks for sharing and i really think you are a gifted writer. Articulation is a beautiful present God has blessed you with. I love you!

randomthoughts said...

An angel in your path. They come in all shapes and sizes. Blessings to you from my humble self.

Billie said...

Hey Girl....Loved, loved your Sat post....that really spoke to me..I could see and smell everything.
Don't you know you were looking into the face of God...and he was with you. all I've ever seen..

Love and miss you...Later :> Nena