Monday, November 14, 2011

Are you listening??

Dear God,

Please take care of my Hubbie today while is is having back surgery. He is the most wonderful husband, father, grandfather, son in law and friend to so many people. He has had to suck up his back pain for so long while I have dealt with my issues... the ones you already know all about. Please just take care of him and help him to recover and feel better quickly.

Thanks for all the help you have given us. I know I am a little person and can't see the big picture... the forest for the trees, you know... I am sure there is a plan and that I had a big part in designing it. I believe my life was written, something like a play, before I was ever born. Thanks also for the free will to try to accept what I have to deal with and to to try maintain a happy, positive attitude through it all. 

Please help my kids and my friends and family who are hurting with me as I go through this scene of my life. It is so hard on everyone else too.  

I know its not over until its over. I am giving it my best shot. Ultimately we know the ending to all of our stories but I don't want to try to do your job. I will just keep showing up and doing the best I can and maintain as positive an attitude as I can. And if I can't quite get there today, I will try again tomorrow.

I am sure I will be talking to you on Friday when I start my next cycle of chemo. Until then, forget me and take care of Charlie, please.

I love you,


Krisderst said...

Love you. You're both in my prayers.

joni said...

And God, Billie needs a special healing so that is what i ask. Thank you for her.

DittyK said...

I know with your love, that Charlie can do nothing but improve quickly.
you both take care, Yesterday was my birthday and I thought of you all day cause I knew your chemo day was yesterday. Maybe since they both happened on the same day, It will give you that little extra healing push. Hope it went well.
Take care of both of you. God is listening and we are loving you both.
Hugzzzzz and Love

Sandy said...

I love you both so much. Lean on each other and love each other and all will be the best it can be. Hugs, Sandy