Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wish you were here...

I am making cinnamon rolls this morning.

They warm my heart and soul and make my belly roll
with their sweet, fragrant comforting goodness.

I wish you'd come over and we could have some hot cinnamon rolls with some tea or coffee. We could watch goofy old movies and yak about nothing for hours. Laughing about old times, things we have done together.

 Maybe I haven't seen you for awhile, but I am still with you all the time. I still feel you close to me.

  I have years of memories of you and me stored up that I like to revisit sometimes. I can burst out laughing over any number of things that have happened just at the thought of them.
Sometimes I have feelings of regret too. Things I should have done or said... maybe even a few I shouldn't have done or said. But I sweep those under the rug where they belong.

 Today I am thinking of you, often and with great fondness.  Appreciating your existence.
 With love..........and plans to diet soon. Billie

P.S. These aren't my photos...although I swear mine look just like this!! I just didn't have time this morning to take any whilst making mine... If interested, visit my favorite blog, (thank you Joni Clair!)  and check out "cinnamon rolls 101". You can curse me later.


BettyShmetty said...

Oh, I want to come over and make cinnamon rolls...I would love to come laugh with you for a while. Are you free at all next week? I start my new job on the 17th. love love love love love!!!! I hope you are feeling well my friend...kisses!

joni said...

yum, i know the pioneer woman wouldn't mind you using her pictures! (if we could meet her i'm sure we'd all be friends). I'm glad we have sweet memories of fun times together. i love u billie claire, joni clair