Saturday, October 9, 2010

a spa in w palm...

With permission from Billie, I am adding some info to bring you all up to date . . . don't expect any snappy repertoire - "Just the facts, ma'am" !
From the "Hubby" . . . . . . .

The surgery was successful in the sense that it accomplished in one day what 4 to 5 months of chemo could do. She still has a ways to go (3 more chemo's) before we have a clear picture overall.

Good Sam is a great hospital and she has a great bunch of docs and nurses. She is doing fine. She is motivated to be up and walking around and does so every chance she can. She seems to be recovering ahead of schedule thus far and we expect her to be home by Tuesday at the latest.

Billie is a remarkable woman with a positive attitude and she constantly amazes me. She will write to you all to let you know of her experience as soon as she can. She just asked me to give you all a heads up in case you were wondering how she was doing.

Thanks for the prayers and support!


nena said...

Good Job Hubby!! Waiting to hear can seem forever...
I knew she was up and around...what else would you expect? That's what the right attitude can do for you. I am so glad this is behind you and the rest will be over shortly. We all love you so much and I for one am inspired beyond words..I know you have always loved to express yourself through words, but for the life of me they just don't seem enough...N
Let's not forget the strength and courage you
have shown throughout this challenge. It is truly
an inspiration to me and others what you have
brought to this experience. Hang in there Brother'
this too shall pass....A

joni said...

I am so thankful for your post. I have been thinking of her so much since Thursday and wondering how she was doing. Tell her Joni says hello. with love and prayers.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the update, Charlie. All of Billie's Arkansas Hillbilly relatives are praying for her. If a GREAT attitude counts for anything (and I think it does) she'll beat this thing.

Mary Frances

Sandy said...

Hey Cuz!
Charlie, I am so glad you posted for Billie. Been following the blog and you both are in my thoughts daily. Hang in there, it's so hard, but you'll come through this. You guys are awesome!
Love and hugs, Sandy