Sunday, March 20, 2011

Did you see the Moon last night????

The full moon as it rises over the Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, March 19, 2011.

Last nights full moon was very special. It was called a Super Perigee Moon. It was huge and gorgeous.
It was actually about 14% closer than normal and 30% brighter.

The perigee is the point in the orbit of the moon when it is nearest the Earth.
The "Super" perigee is the same thing but with a full moon.

This particular full moon happened to occur during the vernal or spring equinox,
a time each year that signifies the birth of Spring.

The vernal equinox is a time when the Earth's axis is not tilted away from or toward the Sun and the Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator.
It is a  little over my astronomical head but here.. look at this picture and see if it helps... 

Anyway, there is a small window of time during the vernal equinox,
when you can easily balance an egg on end.

The last time there was a Super Perigee Moon during a Vernal equinox was on March 19, 1993,
the day I married the love of my life.

See the egg on the alter, just in front of the cross?
His story is, "I told Billie I'd marry her the day she could balance an egg on end,
and damned if she didn't find one!"

Still madly in love with him after all these years.


joni said...

That is the cutest post ever! And the pictures of ya'll just make me smile. We are in Gulf Shores and saw the beautiful moon last night.

Hubbie said...

The love that we have for each other has brought a "BALANCE" to our lives and it is our wish that our friends and family share the joy and happiness with us and find a balance of thier own with the ones they love.
If you are reading Billie's blog and this comment, then it is to you that I am referring!
Happy 18h anniversary Billie - you make me smile EVERY DAY. . . . You are amazing & I love you!
The Hubby