Thursday, April 12, 2012

Better than ever

Charlie just wanted to watch the Masters....

 But he took me for Easter dinner....

With our friends Rogers and Lynn...

The beach at Hobe Sound is gorgeous....
 I am happy and feeling good!
The doc is monitoring my blood work and stuff. He is still encouraging me to try a little more chemo, not thinking it will really reduce the numbers by much but could help to slow things down a bit. We will talk about it more next week.

Things have just been a little hectic, and a lot of fun!! Sorry for not updating sooner.

Don't worry.
Be happy!
I do this for you ya know. I try really hard to squeeze all I can into each day.... for you (and me). I think that in my life so far, I have already loved more than most people get around to in a few lifetimes.
What holds them back? I just don't know.
Don't hold back.
Get up in the middle of the night and eat some ice cream.
Teach your 4 year old grandson how to squirt canned whipped cream in his mouth. 
Love everyone.
Engage everyone you meet in some conversation. They were put in front of you for a reason. Don't take it for granted, figure it out!
Buy yourself some flowers.
Be a big tipper.
Go to the beach and breathe.
Or come see me and we will go to the beach and breathe. Did you know that one definition of breathe is "to live"?
Splurge on something for yourself. It doesn't have to be a lot... just something for you.
Go outside and get dirty!Allow yourself to be 6 years old, again.

During our last party,when Niles and Kara and the kids were here for spring break, we planned on everyone going to the beach and coming back to the house for a cookout. We had a big tent, tables and chairs for shade but then... out of no where... a big rain storm blew in. It poured! And like it does in Florida, it cleared up a while later and was gorgeous. Muddy, but gorgeous. No one seemed to care. the kids loved it. We all ate...sooooooooo much great food..... had dessert... with ice cream.. then sno-cones...  Then... another deluge. It poured again but this time, the power went out! We lit a bunch of candles. My angel of a hubbie got the generator out and plugged in the refrigerators...  and a fan for me! (what a guy) the kids all piled up on the sofa with me to watch Despicable Me on my laptop (with a great battery) and later... someone played monster in the yard while all the kids were running and squealing with their flash lights bobbing... having the time of their life.
I know I was.

  This is a nice group shot of most of the crowd..

Griffin getting to know his youngest male cousin from Florida, Jonah.


Pretty cute, huh....

The sky is getting really dark, really quickly as the last storm moves in.....

What a great hugger.

Despicable Me on the laptop.... love this movie! And their faces.

A while later, after baths and clean pj'  bed with Mimi and Pops,  some of us watched the end of Despicable Me... others will have to live to play another day.

Sorry I have been so busy with work and playing that I have gotten behind in posting. You can see, I have been having a ball.
I promise to cut back on posting so many photos but every moment seems to be a Kodak moment.
Sending you all lots of love and happiness. 


Teresa said...

Do NOT stop posting pictures! I love seeing you and your beautiful family. Griffin looks so much like Niles at that age don't you think? Thanks for taking the time to share these happy times. It makes me miss you so much more.
Love you!

DittyK said...

Don't stop with the photos, They are so beautiful, as are you and your Florida Family. You look great. Wish we were there to spend some time with you, but Hardy is getting closer every minute. Read your e-mail.
Love you cuz

Sandy said...

OMG! Everyone looks so healthy and happy. I miss you all so much and I really, really want to come visit and "just breathe". You live life to the fullest everyday and as always,you're an inspiration to me. I love you Billie!! Hugs Hugs Hugs

Anonymous said...

these photos make me smile!


Cheryl Hullin

Becky Culver said...

Billie, you're doing more living than most people do in a lifetime! I'm so proud of you!! I love you very, very much and pray for you every day - may your smiles never disappear from your face or our hearts. You're such an inspiration to all of us who love you. Give your entire family a hug for me.

Juan Bermelgo said...

I agree with everyone above.. please don't stop posting pictures! It's like being able to see the world through your eyes, and somehow from that angle everything is full of beauty and light and love! Sure, we may have to scroll down a bit longer, but personally, my mouse scrolly finger can use the exercise.

See? Told you I read this stuff! ; P