The wheel of life starts and ends in almost the same place if it is allowed to complete the circle, beginning and ending as little babies. But this is just the "life" that we think of all of the time.
Is there more? Almost every religion and philosophy I read about believes so.
Inner consciousness. Soul. Spirit. God. All of these seem the same. All of them are right. We are so caught up in our physical life that we loose sight of the inner, forever life. I guess you have to first believe that we have an inner, forever life... like my violets that keep growing and making new plants from their own leaves that then die.
We feel we have to work and buy clothes and new cars and jewelry and fill up the basket of possessions that we call "my life", when that is all just so much stuff. (okay, bullshit is what I thought)
We worry and stress and scramble around trying to acquire more and more... but the basket is never going to be full enough. Yet we continue to struggle to try and only end up with a sort of desperate anxiety, a feeling of lack and of sadness. Why? Because we are thinking that if we buy enough stuff we will feel full and complete. Always, we are mentally living in some future time in our life when we will finally have enough to be satisfied. That place simply does not exist.
Spirit isn't a ghost that you need night vision to find on a crappy TV channel.
God isn't an old bearded man who lives up in the clouds. (that was my image of God as a child)
Inner consciousness isn't something that you awaken and direct. (I just saw a book entitled, "Inner consciousness, how to awaken and direct it". How funny.)
Now, take a really deep breath and let it slowly out.
Who did that?
Do you really think that you did it?? Do you think you do it every time you breathe?
When you say or think, "I don't like me... ", who is saying that?
Who is the "I" and who is the "me"?
Ponder on that for a little while. A great many people have for a very long time.
Whoever you are, you are the perfect you. I am the perfect Billie. We are all one and the same. I am so happy you are here and I love you so much.
Think of the lilies... they neither toil nor spin.
P.S. Photo were swiped from one of my favorite websites,
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