I have a thing for violets. I love the way they turn towards the light. I love how they bloom and bloom. And I love how they seem to thrive with my non-green thumbs.
Sometimes you need to cut off a few leaves. They may get old and droopy or out of symmetry or something... but you can take the leaf and put it in water and it will grow roots very quickly. Then you can stick the leaf with roots in a pot of dirt, and in a few more weeks, you will have a new plant.
Isn't that adorable?
As the new baby plant matures, the leaf will begin to die. But it is all the same. The same plant, the same energy, the same color flowers. Life goes on.
And soon you have a new plant with tiny buds of flowers that you can't see here... but in another few weeks, it will bloom too. One continuous cycle of life.
Cool, huh.
Gardening is very Zen...You can learn so much from the earth...just ask Thoreau.
Nena. . . .
I asked Thoreau, but all he said was "hey, would you mind digging me out of here?" :-)
So I guess it is rather Zen !
Hi Billie, I still love african violet too and have a purple one in my kitchen window. I looks kinda sickly right now. I think it needs repotting or some new dirt. They do make me smile when a pretty purple flower pops open and surprises me. I am gonna get me a new one this week and name it Billie!
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