I read that our planet had plant life for thousands of years before the first flower ever bloomed.
I didn't realize how much I took them for granted.
The same force of life that allows that flower to bloom is in all of us. It is our connection to each other.
I think this energy will flow through us and to everyone we touch like the electricity that flows through the wires of an extension cord.
I have no special power, any more than an extension cord but just like that cord, I can connect.
This life force, this connection, is ours by some sort of divine right, if we simply connect... plug it in.
I just love that. I just love you because we are all connected.We are all the same.
When I am with people that my heart is close to I tingle with the excitement and joy of being with them.
It must be why I love family dinners at our house. They are big events and filled with a bundle of people I love. I am buzzing from just thinking about it! My thoughts about having fun times together with family and close friends make me feel great, alive and happy. And all I am doing is thinking. (goosebumps)
I also get a kick out of talking to everybody I come in contact with. I try to talk to everyone. I try to engage the lady that checks out my groceries or the waitress that brings our food, the people I talk with on the telephone at work... and I try to remember that we are all one and the same.
I wonder, "Why is this particular person here, in front of me at this moment in time.." and I try to understand. Sometimes... I can get the same buzz from a total stranger that I get from interacting with my family and close friends. Its there. It is always there. It is the connection from whence all comes.
Our short, little lives aren't even a blip on the screen of time as we know it on this little blue ball, floating through space. Therefore, our problems, hardly even register. They almost don't exist. They amount to practically nothing. Not even a pimple on a gnats ass.
Have you ever looked at a geological time scale?? This one isn't very exact... but you get the idea.
That is some long span of time, huh? So you see, our little problems don't amount to a hill of beans.
Now, go forth and be happy.
My PET Scan was sort of cancelled and re-scheduled. The tube shut down with me in it. Such fun!
No big deal and not nearly as scary as getting caught in the drive-through car wash last week... with my dog... and let me tell you about the muck on the floor inside one of those darn things.
Better yet, forget it... cause it doesn't amount to a hill of beans. : D
Make a memory this weekend!!!
I Love you!!